Prepare for your appointment

How To Prepare

Prior to your experience, you'll want to be sure your curls are best prepared for a Natural Diva visit. 

Suggestion: At least 30 days leading up to your appointment you will forgo the use of Oils, Heavy Butters, and Eco Styler, Wetliner gel, Silicones, Petroleum, Lanolin, Cantu products, Shea Moisture Products, Castor Oil, Mielle, etc.

These products/ingredients prevent water from entering in and have a huge impact on the outcome of your hair at our appointment. 

How To Remove These Products

Clarify with Malibu Un-Do-Goo or Kinky-Curly Come Clean, once every 6 weeks. These are strong cleansers that help to start the process of removing build-up from the hair. Use as directed! You can access them from the links below.

Malibu Un-Do-Goo

Kinky-Curly Come Clean

Book an appointment

If you are unsure what to schedule, please schedule a consultation or contact Shenell at (214) 785-8432